52. Are you politically active? No. 53. What are your perceptions of the rest of the world? We are interested in the world situation, especially the PKO issue, whether Japan will join as Permanent Member of the UN Security Council or not. Family Dreams 54. Are you satisfied with your lifestyle? Yes. 55. Do you consider yourselves better off than your parents and grandparents? No. We feel our parents are better off. 56. What would your family like to own that you think would make your lives better? We would like to live in a larger house. 57. Do you have any savings or security? We have savings and life insurance. 58. When and how are you planning for retirement? Planned retirement age is 60. 59. How would you make your children's lives better? Give them a good education including cultural aspects (i.e. learn piano, go to swimming school etc.). 60. What kind of future do you see for your children? We would like our children to grow as persons who can contribute to the society, to their people.